Last month the Cabinet presented a draft policy. In Cambridge there was a Public Consultation which is set to be presented to the Cabinet for their agreement in December.
  • “Personalization”
  • “Self-directed Support”
  • “A new approach to choice and control”

An “Easy Read” explanation of the changes can be found within the following link:

The main explanation of the changes can be found through this link:

Arrangements and planning within Cambridgeshire are already taking place to ensure that this new approach is put into effect throughout Adult Social Services from 6 April, 2009. You can register your views about these changes, through the Cambridge County web page;

If you have any questions you can contact the Communications Officer Amanda Davies on    01223 699650   or e-mail

For more background to this, the Department of Health’s web page in “Personalisation”:

Here is the page linking to a booklet which talks about the policy andbackground to “personalisation”:

If you are unclear about what you have read and wonder how this impacts upon you, your family or setting, you can leave a message on Umbrella’s Answer phone (   01223-501 593  ) and a volunteer will ring you back. Or email Umbrella at
Change most certainly is on the horizon
Sarah Needham
Director of Integrated Treatment Services – Nov 2008

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