Every year in the UK, some 11,600 people will suffer a severe head trauma, 10,000 will have a moderate head injury and around 150,000 people will have a minor head injury. Many thousands of these people will suffer an acquired brain injury. This can also be caused by a stroke, tumour, infection, hypoxia and haemorrhage.
These acquired brain injuries can lead to motor speech difficulties and facial weakness, cognitive communication difficulties including memory problems, aphasia, dyslexia, swallowing and voice problems as well as mental health issues.
Integrated Treatment Services provide a range of services to improve the prospects for children and adults who have suffered an acquired brain injury. Our team of Speech and Language professionals and associated therapists provide an array of rehabilitation services to help with self-esteem, social reintegration, mental health problems and to improve overall quality of life.
All of our therapists have an MDT understanding of Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Art therapies and Psychological services, so they can identify the need for MDT input throughout their work with your service users.
In short, we can help you provide a vast array of therapeutic interventions which your service users may benefit from. We have an excellent reputation when it comes to working with rehabilitation services throughout the UK, and we will personalise our services to your individual setting.
What you can expect from Integrated Treatment Services
- A quick response to your enquiry
- A free consultation with a lead therapist to answer all of your questions without obligation
- An assessment of your service needs and help with understanding which of our range of therapies will best help each of your service users
- A choice of therapists with full profiles and experience so that you can decide if they are right for your service
- A discussion regarding your service budget so that we can create the most cost-effective therapy plan. Our rates will always be honest and consistent
- A therapy manager within our service to provide easy and consistent management of your therapy provision
- Detailed assessments and baselines of your service users to give us a clear understanding of their needs
- A comprehensive therapy plan tailored to your service timetable
- Specialist therapists to support our team in helping service users with complex needs following acquired brain injury
- Therapists who understand the role of all disciplines, so that they can identify other therapies which may be suitable for your service users
- A quarterly management review to ensure that you are happy with the quality of treatment and service you are receiving
To find out how we can help improve your service for children or adults with Acquired Brain Injury, call us on 0845 038 2921 for a complimentary telephone consultation or email us at info@integratedtreatments.co.uk
Get in touch using our confidential enquiry form