TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children) is a Special Education programme designed in 1966 in the University of North Carolina
Who can you use TEACCH?

The TEACCH system was originally designed for children with Autism. However, it can be used with children with a range of Speech, Language and Communication Needs. Our therapists have successfully used the TEACCH principles with children and adults who have;
- Autistic Spectrum Conditions
- Down Syndrome
- Specific Language Impairment
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Learning Disability
How does TEACCH work?
TEACCH organises the physical environment and develops schedules and work systems for children, young people and adults. It builds on the strengths that many children with Autism Spectrum Conditions have (visual, detail and memory).
An example of a TEACCH work station:
- The child or adult works from left to right
- The have all of their work in the start box
- Each piece of work may have a visual timetable or sequencing strip to encourage independence
- Therapy or teaching tasks are organised in order with a clear finish
- When tasks are finished they are placed in the ‘finished box’ and the child/adult commences the next task
The TEACCH approach sets out clear and explicit expectations and it encourage independence.
Further Information
For more information about the TEACCH principles or how you can implement the TEACCH approach in your home or setting contact us, and one of our therapists will assist you.
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