What is the role of a physiotherapist?
Many of our children, young people and adults require support from an Physiotherapist to help maximise their physical, mental and emotional development.
All our Physioherapists are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council , the regulator for Health Professions. They are also registered Chartered Society for Physiotherapy.
Physiotherapists can support young people who have;
- Minor or severe, short or long term difficulties that can affect a child’s ability to move and function.
- Learning Difficulties with motor impairment  e.g. Autism
- Developmental delay
- Neurological conditions e.g.Cerebral Palsy,
- Neuro muscular conditions  e.g. Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal muscular astrophy
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Respiratory conditions e.g. Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis
- Posture and gait problems
- Dyspraxia – Developmental Coordination Disorder, Clumsy Child Syndrome.
- Poor Balance and Co-ordination
- Respiratory conditions  e.g. Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis.
- Orthopaedic conditions
- Acute and long standing, rehabilitation following trauma e.g. fractures and head injuries, knee pain, back pain.
- Posture and gait problems e.g.toe walking, flat feet
- Juvenile Arthritis
- Obesity
Physiotherapists can support adults clients who have;
- Neurological conditions, ranging from CVA, muscular dystrophies, neuropathies, head-injury, MS, Parkinson’s disease, tumours and other rarer neurological diseases
- Respiratory conditions
- Orthopaedic conditions
- Posture and gait problems
- Difficulties with their feelings and anxieties during rehab
Support from a Physio therapist helps staff to;
- Identify the needs of young people and adults’s with specific conditions
- Understand a range of therapeutic approaches such as Bobath Neuro developmental Therapy, splinting.
- Ensure that the educational and social tasks offer opportunity for physical practice to improve and maintain mobility and function
- Promote children and adults’s participation in hobbies and other interests by reducing barriers in accessing.
- Make accessible all aspects of an educational curriculum.
Accessing Physiotherapy
Integrated Treatment Services are able to offer appointments within one week of referral and will not keep you waiting for therapy. Â We do not We do not hold waiting lists so if we are unable to see you immediately we will help sign post you to a service which can.
Integrated Treatment Services will always support you accessing the statutory services (Health/Education) which you are entitled to. Â We can top up therapy when statutory services are not available to you. Â We can work alongside statutory services forming joint therapy plans, when approaches you would like to access are not readily provided for. Â You can equally choose to contract our services as an alternative to statutory services, which is common practice for many schools/care settings, commissioners and individuals.
Integrated Treatment Services are active partners with charities and vouchers schemes which enable our clients to access our therapy.
Integrated Treatment Services are registered with all the large insurance companies, therefore if you have insurance cover you may wish to check your policy. Registered providers include: BUPA, Aviva, AXA/PP.
We are happy to work with all charities schemes such as Cerebra.