Finding your Speech and Language Therapist
Are you looking for Speech and Language Therapy within your School or Academy, we will ensure;

Read about our new flexible SLT service
Following changes to the code of practice, schools now have more freedom and choice over which services they contract for Speech and Language therapy provision. We understand that employing therapists directly into your school can be a difficult task to achieve. We can help in providing you with a more reliable and flexible Speech and Language Therapy service.
Schools can contract a Speech and Language therapist from Integrated Treatment Services which is straight forward and cost efficient. We provide you with a fixed cost which has no hidden fees, ensuring that
- You only pay for the provision you receive
- There is no sick pay, annual leave or maternity costs
- Standard assessments and therapy resources are all included
- No costs for therapist supervision or training
- You access the appropriate clinical skill mix
You are able to contract a whole school package or for an individually funded EHC plan. You can choose between a number of different options;

Download our latest school offering
The demand for speech and language therapists has increased considerably over the last few years. The COVID pandemic exacerbated that demand with fewer UK based therapists available to school settings. Therapists have also experienced remote working and many have chosen to continue that flexible working approach. If you have struggled to find a therapist for your school you should consider the remote therapy model, even if just for an interim period. Find out more about the speech and language therapy remote model ….
Our Speech and Language Therapists
When therapists are managed by therapists they are far more satisfied in their work. They achieve better therapy outcomes and they offer schools greater consistency.
Our large UK wide team offers our therapists the consistent team access they require to support both their clinical and professional needs.
- Speech and language therapy assessment  Â
- Speech and language therapy interventionÂ
- Speech and language therapy reportsÂ
- Speech and Language therapy trainingÂ
- Speech and Language therapy programmes  Â
- Speech and Language therapy joint coaching within the classrooms
- Joined up multi disciplinary work
We are passionate about sharing information with others. You can read about new approaches and the latest developments through our news section on our website.
To find out about our latest centralised and on site training, including Colourful Semantics, read our training and events page.
We also share a wealth of free downloadable resources on our website, and social networks which we hope you will find really useful. Updates and information from recent SENDCo network meetings can be found here.
Get in touch to work with us