Supporting children’s mental health & wellbeing during summer term and supporting transition for SEND students

The pandemic has brought with it many challenges for children and young people.

Although schools have remained open throughout the last twelve months many students have only been in school for a term and a half – the rest of the time accessing remote learning at home, whilst others have been in school all the time but working in a very different way.

During this webinar Lorraine will consider the impact of the last twelve months on student’s mental health and wellbeing and she will describe some of the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health that you might see in school. She will outline the key transition points in a student’s journey through the education system and the difficulties that some students may encounter at these key points. For students with an identified SEND these times can be very challenging and cause excessive stress and anxiety to both the student and their family.

She will then offer strategies and resources that schools may wish to consider using to support all students whose mental health and wellbeing has been affected by the pandemic.

Lorraine will share good practice examples and strategies to support transition for all students especially those with SEND.

If you require support with SEND or would like further questions answered call us on 0845 838 2921 or email

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