My husband is in hospital after recently having a stroke. I am very confused and feel very uneasy about the future. Will I be able to cope being a full time carer?
Caring for a stroke survivor can be a scary prospect and big role to take on. Your loved one may go from being completely independent to needing help/support with;
- their personal care
- the coordination of health care/therapy needs
- managing their finances
- regaining lost function.
As strokes can happen suddenly and without warning the early stages of stroke recovery can feel the most confusing as you may still be in shock. The following are some tips to help you through:
Try to gather as much information as you can;
- There is a lot to learn, the more information you can gather, the more you will be able to help your loved one.
- Make sure you understand what people tell you, if you don’t understand – ask!
- Get information from as many professionals as you can, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists as each are specialist in their own area.
Take part in your loved ones support groups and initial therapy sessions
- This will give them support when they need it the most, as they may feel especially anxious about these sessions at the start.
- They will enable you to be better equipped to carry on the therapy at home between sessions.
- This will greatly increase their chances of successful recovery.
Try to give them a sense of independence
- Do not do too much for them, even if they are struggling with something
- Completing even the smallest task can give them a sense of accomplishment and will help to build there self-esteem and confidence.
Take care of yourself too!
You will be no help to your loved one if you are exhausted! Be realistic about what you can take on and what you feel you will struggle with. There is help out there if you need it.
Here at Integrated Treatment Services (I.T.S) we have a large multidisciplinary team consisting of: Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Art Therapists who are extremely skilled in working with clients who have had strokes.
I.T.S therapists are located around the country and are available to answer your questions or give specialist advice throughout the week. The team are also available to come and meet you and your loved one when you return home. We can provide therapy and will support you alongside any NHS rehabilitation that you might be receiving to boost the chances of regaining lost function. You can contact us by calling: 0845 838 2921 or simply email: