For those of you who are less familiar, John Bercow has a son with special educational needs and therefore has been identified as a Member of Parliament to review the Speech and Language Therapy Provision across the U.K.

The report can be found by following the link below;

http://www.dfes. iew/docs/ Bercow_Interim_ Report.pdf  

Shortly we will bring you a summary of the main findings of this interim report. The final report is due to be released in June 2008. The implications for our clients, your children/students/settings could be huge and finally an appropriate level of speech and language therapy report could be available to all that need it.

It is likely that parents and settings will have greater choice in how they access speech and language therapy provision. The key need being that there is consistency of therapy and a consistent therapist delivering the support.  

Look out for our summary over future weeks.

Sarah Needham

Director of Integrated treatment Services – 1st April 2008

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