Taking place in London and Manchester, The Autism Show is for the growing community of parents, carers, professionals and individuals on the autism spectrum who all too often don’t know where to turn for answers. The Autism Show returns to London ExCel on June 13-14 and to Manchester Event City on June 27-28.
In addition to over 100 autism specific exhibitors offering specialist products, services and information for both adults and children living with autism, visitors attending this year’s show can also look forward to hearing:
World renowned autism researcher Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, FBA, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge and Director of the University’s Autism Research Centre, discussing his latest research on why autism is more common in males.
Nuala Gardiner, best selling author of A Friend Like Henry, will share her family’s experience of how their golden retrievers transformed the lives of her two sons, both living with autism.
John Williams, award winning comedian, author of the blog My Son’s Not Rainman    and single parent to his twelve year old son, shares his uplifting story of raising a child with autism and finding the positive in everything.
There will be news and views of the UK’s leading autism professionals, researchers and campaigners in the Autism Matters Theatre, in partnership with Research Autism. This year’s speakers include the world renowned autism researcher Professor Simon Baron-Cohen FBA, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge and Director of the University’s Autism Research Centre; Kathy Lette, author of 11 international bestseller’s including The Boy Who Fell To Earth; and John Williams, award winning comedian and author of the blog My Son’s Not Rainman
There will also be hundreds of specialist products and services including learning tools, communication aids, sensory equipment, furniture, advice and support services, residential care and education, and specialist school
New strategies and approaches for the home and classroom in The Hub: Theatre 2 sponsored by Hesley Group
Adults on the autism spectrum will be speaking about their experiences, providing insights into the needs of those you care, support or teach in The Hub: Theatre 1 sponsored by Hesley Group in association with Ask Autism
Specialist professional advice from advisers, clinicians, therapists and solicitors will be available in the 1-2-1 Clinics on topics such as Challenging Behaviour, Court of Protection, Wills and Trusts, Sleeping Difficulties, Toileting Difficulties, Independent Legal Advice on SEN, School Exclusions, Welfare Rights, Occupational Therapy, Community Support Packages for Young Adults and Legal Entitlements Post 16
Innovative sensory products will be on display in the Sensory Room created by Mike Ayres Design and OM Interactive and the Calm Rooms created by Mike Ayres Design
Inspirational performances from individuals on the autism spectrum in Autism’s Got Talent in association with Anna Kennedy Online taking place at 1pm in the Autism Matters Theatre.
To find out more features of this year’s show and to book visit the event organisers’ website at www.autismshow.co.uk.
Written by Rachel Harrison, speech and language therapist, on behalf of Integrated Treatment Services. www.integratedtreatmentservices.co.uk
Image rights – www.pixabay.com