Happy New Year everyone!

Any Qualified Provider is an initiative that was implemented by the Department of Health in conjunction with the NHS in 2011. You can watch a video about the initiative here: http://www.youtube.com/user/departmentofhealth#p/u/77/FI1sLFxxEpg

In the video, Bob Ricketts, Director of Provider Policy at the Department of Health, describes Any Qualified Provider as “a very simple, but a very powerful idea”. He goes on to say that the initiative aims to ensure that, “Patients, users and carers can choose the provider who is best able to meet their needs”. This means that ideally, patients and service users of the NHS should have more control over how their healthcare is provided, and by whom. Mr Ricketts hopes that the scheme will also increase quality and responsiveness.


Further information is available on the NHS’ ‘Supply2Health’ website at http://www.supply2health.nhs.uk/AQPResourceCentre/Pages/AQPHome.aspx It states that “When a service is opened up to choice of ‘any qualified provider’, patients can choose from a range of providers all of whom meet NHS standards and price” and “Prices paid to providers will be determined in advance by the NHS. This could be a national tariff where it applies, or a locally agreed price. Patients will choose based on quality and individual preferences and money will follow patients’ choices. Competition will be on quality not price”

Non-NHS service providers, including the voluntary and independent sectors, are to be included as potential service providers. The website states that, “Because providers are qualified, commissioners know that a range of safe, good quality and affordable providers are available to which they can refer their patients without the cost and effort of competitive tendering”. Bob Ricketts states that the initiative is not about privatisation or financial gain, but is for improving choice and innovation in healthcare. Patients should be able to make an informed and empowered choice about their care, at a fixed price.


If you think that your child, relative or friend may benefit from speech and language therapy, Integrated Treatment Services could be of help. Contact us here: https://integratedtreatmentservices.co.uk/contact-us/enquiry

Sarah Bennington, January 2012

Written on behalf of Integrated Treatment Services. Integrated Treatment Services is a private Speech and Language Therapy service based in Leicestershire and the East Midlands. It specialises in providing highly-skilled Speech and Language Therapists, but also associates with other therapeutic professionals, including Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Arts Therapists.

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