The Dyspraxia Foundation says there may be a range of co-occurring difficulties with dyspraxia which can include articulation and speech, perception and thought. There can also be difficulties with reading, spelling and writing.
Reading and spelling
Children with dyspraxia may have difficulties with reading and spelling. Limited concentration and poor listening skills, and literal use of language may have an effect on reading and spelling ability. A child may read well, but not understand some of the concepts in the language. The child may also be reluctant to read aloud because of articulation difficulties or because they lack self-confidence.
Exercises may be beneficial for children with reading and spelling difficulties. Take Time by Mary Nash-Wortham and Jean Hunt provides a series of exercises for parents, teachers and therapists to do with children.
Computers can also help with reading and spelling: Wordshark 2 is a widely used program, available from the Dyspraxia Foundation.
Research has shown that children with developmental verbal dyspraxia whose speech difficulties persist beyond the age of 5 and 6 years are at risk of having literacy difficulties. The risk is increased if there is a family history of speech, language or specific learning difficulties.
The child with developmental verbal dyspraxia has an impaired speech processing system, which affects their ability to make sound to letter links and to carry out phonological awareness tasks (e.g. segmenting, blending, rhyming etc) essential for literacy acquisition. Spelling is usually more affected than reading.
Poor handwriting is one of the most common symptoms of dyspraxia. Children who have poor handwriting don’t need their parent or teacher to tell them about it. Every time they write, they can see that they are not as good as their friends.
Handwriting expert Dr Rosemary Sassoon believes that children with dyspraxia should be judged only against their own best efforts. They should be encouraged to progress in a relaxed way. Her leaflet A Quick Look at Handwriting Problems gives practical suggestions about working with children to develop handwriting skills.
As the child progresses through the educational system, the requirement for written work increases. Take Time by Mary Nash-Wortham and Jean Hunt provides exercises that can help with handwriting. Write from the Start by Ion Teodorescu and Lois Addy are two books which contain the Teodorescu Perceptuo-Motor Programme, for developing the fine motor and perceptual skills for effective handwriting.
More information
For more information got to Dyspraxia Foundation
Written by Rachel Harrison on behalf of Integrated Treatment Services.